Well howdy there gore hounds its been a while but lets be honest, with original dick pumping fresh content in like peter north on an unfortunate coed, no one missed little old me all that much...
I have come back bearing gifts though ... in the form of fresh independent horror cinema!!! I bring to you first The Redsin Tower by Toe Tag Pictures. I had never seen a Toe Tag movie until now and to be honest had no idea what to expect. Well, like 4 seconds into the film there is a plethora of very nice boobs and that kinda sets the tone for the picture. The story itself revolves around a freshly broken up couple and how they choose to deal with their estrangement. The girl, like most evil women (I've had bad breakups so deal with it) ...like i was saying evil women..oh yeah she decides to call her best friend over and, being evil women ,they go out in search of parties and boys...woooooo....i mean ...tsk tsk. Her ex does the opposite: he goes from catatonic to psychotic..and decides to get a gun and get her back (not recommended by this reviewer but an option non the less).
The opening of this film leads me to my first problem. There is a lot of this film that sets up the characters, and by this I mean it shows you their lives, desires and personalities. So much the it drags a bit during these sections... not a lot, but its noticeable. This is a small gripe though and it actually does set up the viewer to like the characters a bit more, despite slowing the picture down.
Where was I? Oh yeah, evil woman psycho guy..check. ANYWHO... the girls get to a party that's kinda lame and decide to spice it up by going to the haunted, and infamous Redsin Tower. This is when the movie picks up like a rocket.
Once the group gets there one member becomes possessed and tells the tale of possession and evil that permeates the very walls of the tower. Well, seeing as the group is drunk and stoned, they just don't care and go exploring. The scenes that follow really show what makes this movie tick. There are realistic hatchet attacks...blood ...gore...maggots..and BONUS a demon that basically rapes and impregnates a hot topless chick....not your grandma's horror film, unless she's Leatherface's grandma.
Overall this film is a good gory, independent horror film. It also has a knack for making the viewer feel uncomfortable which is kinda nice since its a horror film and alot of gore movies now a days use CGI blood and cut-a-ways when it comes to the really grisly stuff. These guys go right at it and when you see the bitchy goth chick try to block a hatchet you will understand.
Toetag Pictureshas given us a movie with very good production quality and sound to start off with. The effects are top notch and the realism is high. The few gripes I have are based on a slight bit of drag in the momentum in the beginning and the dialog which can, at times, be jumbled and maybe a little too off the cuff. That being said, for an independent film it works very well and feels like it has considerable weight to it. I liked it and you should too, check it out people.
originally posted by contributor David Winterborne
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